Resolutions 2011
1. Weight, weight, weight! Maintain loss and lose a little more. Tighten and tone…. Develop a daily regimen to stay fit for life! Learn to eat like a thin healthy person.
2. Send birthday cards to friends and family / also be prepared with sympathy and congratulations cards
3. Read a minimum of a book a week for the year
4. Crochet for charity – and use my crocheted items as gifts when possible
5. Get back to quilting my own projects and mending the quilts my MIL made for us
6. Spiritual reading – I am considering reading the Bible through again.
6. Spiritual reading – I am considering reading the Bible through again.
7. Organize, unclutter, streamline, purge! A continuing journey to simplify my life both of material possessions and of time commitments.
8. Photo project – I plan to locate, sort and organize family photos. There are boxes of them that need to be put in albums. Eventually I would like to scan and digitalize them
9. Continue debt reduction journey. I made significant headway in 2010… I want to end 2011 with only a mortgage, triple my savings, continue to tithe and some improvements to house and property
10. Walk Breast Cancer 3Day again - time #4 for a total of 240 miles to fight breast cancer.. 2011 is the Cleveland location
11. Train for and do several races this year.