Sunday, February 13, 2011

Helpful Habits

           When things get crazy... the only thing that saves my resolutions... are HABITS!  You read a lot about forming habits... some say they are hard to form.. some say they are easy... some say they can't do it.  I read that it takes 21 days to create a habit.... I'm not so sure about that...  sometimes I think it takes a LOT longer.  I have been working on my nutritional habits for years and am just now realizing that some of my chosen behaviors have BECOME habits when I wasn't looking. 

      Have you ever thought about how to create a habit?   I found that the easiest way to do it is to be very specific about the habits I already have!  And yes - you have them....  we are creatures of habit.

   If you don't believe me, try this experiment... think about your morning.  Make a list of each thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning.    Think about it ... does this list ever vary?  If it does.... WHY did it vary?  Was it your choice or was it outside circumstance?  I bet it wasn't you.   Most of the time, we are pretty mindless in our behaviors.  We fall into certain routines.... and this is fantastic!  It allows us to function and to put our brains to use in other areas.  So the key here - is to create behaviors that you do not have to think about.. that will further your personal goals.

   Follow yourself around and notice 'clusters' of behaviors.  Things you do at the same time.. like maybe flossing and brushing your teeth.  It is easier to remember to do one when you are already doing the other.  I already wipe out the sink after I brush my teeth... so that is a good time to add....wiping the counter.

  Small persistent actions that lead you toward your goals.  MY goal of a neat house that I don't have to think about....  I need habits to make that happen.

  So what kinds of habits will help me keep my resolutions?

1.  Food habits.... my page of FOOD RULES lists some of my acquired habits and ones I am working on.  Never be at the mercy of society.... always carry a nutritious snack with me!  Always eat breakfast keeps my energy up...   Eating in combination makes sure I get my fruits and veggies

2.  Movement habits...  regularly scheduled exercise classes.. people are waiting for you to show up.. you are less likely to miss them.   Scheduled events like races are good for me... I won't do them without training because I worry about injury.  That keeps me regularly checking my training schedule and coming back the next day if I miss a workout.

3.  Debt reduction habits...  NOT going into stores...  Constantly asking myself if we really NEED an item or just want it...  Using 1 -2 weeks monthly as "use up" weeks.

4.  House maintenance habits...   This is an area of constant need for improvement.... but I work on little things that can become habits.  It helps to designate certain days or times to do certain things.... I have lists of daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly tasks... I do a load of laundry every day

5.  Evaluation & Review Habits... I make sure that EVERY DAY at some point, I review what I have done that day & what is missing from my resolution progress.  I SCHEDULE what I plan to do next.

What kind of habits do you already have that can be put to work for you?

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