The favor? My friend, Bev Qualheim, has a terrific site I have mentioned before. Loaded with things that will interest anyone dealing with home and hearth.... and a TON of easy free patterns to crochet,knit and sew... most especially to create hand-made items for charitable giving (another thing dear to my heart!) Anyway, she is trying to increase traffic to her site and I want to help... so if you have a free minute or two... check it out -! ** I'll be re-posting this for her every day in August so bear with me!
Here's my next reading selection for your enjoyment! I'll post another 'pile' when these are finished :-)
My pile continues to grow! I have some books that are not library books that are rising to the top and I need to dig into them :-)
Top of the pile is one I borrowed from a friend, I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better
I am in the middle of it and it gives me so much to think about! I love the way the authors truly help you SEE not only how I make myself crazy claiming responsibility for everything.... but also what I can do to help others learn to pick up their share! A lot to mull over and think about.... but really useful for those of us who are busy taking care (and OVER-taking care) of others!
Next in my pile is my e-reader..... I've been ignoring it lately since I still prefer hard copy books. It's incredible for trips but I'm still a girl who like turning pages :-) Anyway, my brother's novel is on it - Lee, I love it! I'm three-fourths of the way through it and am loving the intrigue between the protagonists. Also, since I'm a big fan of historical fiction, particularly LOCAL historical fiction.... I am really enjoying the story :-)
Islam: A Short History (Modern Library Chronicles)
is the next one I am working on.
I don't know enough about this religion. I hear people on all sides making judgments and I don't know enough. This is not the book I was looking for but this is what is in my library. It seems fairly logical and reasoned.... but was published in the year 2000. Historically, it cannot be complete.... but I wanted to learn about the religion and I think this is probably a pretty good place to start. Certainly it is not the radical rhetoric I avoid :-)Now on to the lighter fun stuff! The Madonnas of Leningrad: A Novel
Second in a series about a young man starting his career as a country doctor, this story is full of the daily adventures and mishaps of living out in the country. The setting is post-world war II Ireland. Quaint, charming and all good fun!
And, last but not least... for you fans of the television show about the crime writer, Castle...... I ran across this novel on my library shelf! Naked Heat is the second of the Nikki Heat series (now I have to hunt down the first one!) Apparently the books featured on the show have actually been written. What fun! The only problem I had was that the tv characters were in my brain as I read this book..... that is both good and bad! All in all, though, I totally enjoyed the experience!
Go to your library or pick these up via the Amazon links provided :-)
Kay I had no idea about the Nikki Heat books by Richard Castle but now I will also hunt them down.