Yeah, yeah, I know... I said Monday.... and here it is....
I did write up my weekend race report and am trying to settle back in.
I have a list of things to do this week and will hand hem my quilt strip this afternoon. The bathroom is spritzed and laundry is humming as I bring the house up to speed :-) So maybe I am not on break exactly..
I have no intention of trying to 'catch up' on my 21 days.... but will pick back up with Day 8 tomorrow.... the whole idea is about setting goals and making them happen - and I am doing that. Are you?
These few days are all about slowing down a little.... BUT still moving toward the goal!
Will talk to you tomorrow about Day 8 - Put Your Goals on Paper!
Hummm ok ok...I hear you, now will you quit reading my mind? I've been thinking about getting some GOALS ( NOT 'resolutions) written down for the new year ahead...maybe I need to work on it now so I can clarify/ tweak them by the end of this year???