Saturday, November 17, 2012

21 Days... Day 12... FOCUS!!

oh boy
distracted much?

This was actually a really good reading for me yesterday!  I knew I needed to work on the quilt because I have not gotten to it all week.  Yet I have been away from home every day so....  I am just now getting to thinking about all the things I need to handle before next week's holiday.  I wandered around today - trying to focus on different rooms.... but I found something in the living room that belongs in the laundry room... which led me to folding laundry and putting away clothes in my bedroom, where I noticed something that needed to go to the laundry room.... where the freezer is and I pulled something out for dinner.. which I brought to the kitchen to thaw.. where I noticed that....  well, you get the picture!  All the while, stewing about the quilt and then the dogs needed walking again, where I noticed that the bok choy needs to be picked and used (file away stir fry for next week's menu)...  Today my brain seems to be a sieve!

But I did keep coming back to center.... and balanced several bank statements... gathered mailing envelopes and addresses for packages to be mailed, finished up a skein of yarn, and got that strip of quilt marked and stitched.

I got a LOT done.. but I felt out of focus - like I was being pulled in several directions.  I find it extremely difficult to put my head down and stick to just one thing!

Crystal Paine writes "Multi-tasking is the  death of FOCUS"


Her suggestion is one we've heard before but always works.... use the timer.  It works for me too!  I get derailed by trying to decide what I am doing - AND making myself do what I don't wanna.   I have to get that inner child under control :-)

What I can see happening here is that I am starting to worry about the holiday meal and company next Thursday - and I am losing focus on what I need to do TODAY.  (EVEN what I need to do today FOR next Thursday!)  Will have to think about this one!


  Do Step 12 of your mega-project and begin to visualize the finished project and how you will feel.


My progress.......

Goal for today:
    Focus on today's plans (some household catch-up, a 2 mile walk + bike, review pantry/freezer and plan menu for week, make bread dough for fridge, QUILT - work on hand quilting AND machine stitch some of the strips for the final border AND review process for making the border so that when I can work on that I will now what I am doing).

      AND - find time to WRITE down Thursday's meal plan, prepare ahead list AND housework preparation list

Will be back later to share how I did -

    what are YOU doing today?

****** In many areas, today was a big fail... I spent most of the day watching holiday movies and crocheting cowls for friends  (using up my yarn stash!). 
* I did the bike, half the walking (my knee hurts today)
* I started to do the bread but forgot that I used up the eggs making breakfast for my husband and me
*I started to stitch some of the border stripping but the bobbin ran out of thread...

It was one of THOSE days!  I did review the process for finishing the quilt and have an idea what happens next... I DID refill the bobbins eventually... I DID mop the living room floor and do some neatening when I got up for commercials.... and I DID write down my holiday meal plan.    So it wasn't a total waste... I just didn't necessarily accomplish what was on my list!

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