Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

December starts my year :-)

It's my birthday month so it's already a new year opportunity

And my thoughts and resolutions won't get lost in the New Year hype....

AND... it's a crazy busy time... which is exactly when I need to focus in and go for what "I" want in my life :-)

I have two themes for the year...

#1 - Top Priority is

"Get Physical!"

with 3 different physical areas:
   appearance (includes makeup, skin care, hair, wardrobe, etc.)
   health (includes exercise, nutrition, emotional well-being, etc.)
   personal connections (FACE to FACE instead of facebook to facebook :-)

#2 - to keep in mind always is

"Happily Ever After"

a reminder that each day is the 'happily ever after' I wanted as a child :-)  So I build on last year's "Finding Joy" and "YES to Adventure"... and keep building..

Since I'm just back from traveling, today is getting my laundry done, my food organized for the week - and prioritizing my exercise :-)

What are your goals for December?

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