Monday, June 22, 2015

Passion for Life

Someone mentioned to me the other day that I exhaust them with all I do.  I mean... the canning, the traveling, the reading, the quilting, the whatever that they see me write about here on on Facebook.

I will take that as a compliment!

I don't can produce because I have to.

I can because I WANT to!  I learned a new skill last summer and am having fun playing with it.  For me, the joy is the presentation of produce... the hunt for a recipe... the pretty jars and that oh-so-satisfying POP when they seal.  And it is a perfect fit when I can give it away for Christmas.

It hasn't gotten old yet.  When it does... I'll move on... or take a break... or whatever pleases me.

While I do things I have to do.. they really are in the realm of brushing my teeth or keeping the house reasonably sanitary or exercising my body so it stays in a condition to give me joy.

When I want to do something, I dream about it.. wish for it... sometimes get it!  I LOVE the dreaming and planning!

I still haven't managed a kayak lesson - but they just started a week ago on the weekend and it hasn't been feasible..... but it is definitely on my radar! 

I am also cognizant of how the days roll one into the other.  Life is short - I heard once that the days are LONG but the years are short - and more and more, I feel the truth in that.

I want to make sure I ENJOY my days.  I don't want them to escape me without my noticing.  I don't want my days focused on negative things.  I CHOOSE how I live my life.

I DO things I want to do... and those I don't really want to do (like perhaps sometimes yardwork)... I make sure I pay attention!

I recognize the GOOD feeling of my muscles doing what needs to be done.

Even when I'm overheated, I try to FEEL the blessing of sun warmth by remembering the COLD we experienced just a few months ago.

I PLAN a time at the end of my endurance for a cold bottle of water and a seat in my shady swing.  And I take that time.

And I do curse the durned bugs.  But I have to say I do it with PASSION!

If I am too much for you, then take a break - I won't take it personally.  I get it.  But I also choose it.

I do not WANT a mediocre halfway life.

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