Saturday, May 30, 2015

29 Gifts.... an Evaluation

29 days....

I don't know the magic of 29...

But I did love the project.

Waking each morning with a sense of wonder.....

What can I give today?

Occasionally tough - 'How can I possibly give today when I feel so depleted?'
I learned
I can always give something.
I had forgotten that.

Often exciting - 'What is the perfect gift for this person on this occasion?'
I learned
that while it is fine to give the same thing to multiple people in the name of simplicity.... it is sometimes a lot of fun finding something specific. 
I had forgotten that.

Sometimes redundant - 'Didn't I already give this?'
I learned
It's okay.  Sometimes redundancy means that I feel comfortable giving in a certain way.  I'm still giving.
I had forgotten that.

Gifts do not have to cost money. 'I can't give today.  I can't afford it'
I learned
Giving a gift does not always mean I have to buy something.
I had forgotten that.

Many times a gift is not a thing - a lunch out, a greeting card, being quiet.
I learned
What people need as my gift is often something I can DO.
I had forgotten that.

Giving opens my heart.
I learned
That by paying attention to what I am able to provide others, I am much more aware of not only what I already receive but also of what is available to me.  Opportunities abound.
I had forgotten that.

The greatest thing I learned is that I want to live my life giving.  I am a better person, living in the moment in a way I want to live.  Mindfulness.....

I won't continue the project specifically to record what I do.....  but I will keep up the practice on some level.  Join me!  You'll be glad you did!

29 Gifts by Cami Walker.... read it and GO!

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