Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Do you ever have times when life just takes over?

I mean that things just get busy..... not bad.... maybe a bit confusing.... but just busy.  Times when the word goal means to simply get up, move through your day.... and get back to bed... only to get up and start over again.

That is where I am right now.

I still have my goals in mind... and try to take a stab at these things during the day... but really  - I am lucky to survive.  I am always doing something but I am lost without my lists.... but can't seem to put my brain to it.

I am hoping that the spring and beautiful weather will help me focus!  Of course, it brings more chores in the yard and property.... and, hopefully, opportunities to participate in community yard sales (so I can continue my downsizing journey).. but I do need to take a few minutes somewhere in here to evaluate where I am!

An informal quick assessment has me feeling blessed and grateful!  BECAUSE I have a few goals and habits.... I haven't LOST ground during my confused period :-)  I am still doing a bit of sorting... still working on my crochet projects.... still reading... still baking a bit.... still scanning photos now and again... still sending birthday cards (though sometimes late!)   At least I feel like I have a direction - even if motivation is a bit lacking at the moment.

There are always differing ways to look at things.... I COULD beat myself up for losing focus and NOT accomplishing what I laid out for myself.  OR (which is MY choice).... I can be grateful that I SET goals so that my feet are still following in the direction I chose.... even if it is just one step at a time.  They are firm steps.... albeit slow ones.... still leading me where I choose to go!

So.. the journey continues....  I hope to get back to regular writing as I have things to share and time to share them.  Please bear with me as I maneuver my way along the journey figuring out my next steps :-)

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