Sunday, November 3, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude Photos # 5 Parents

Part 1 from the archives.....

I cannot adequately express my gratitude here.... without my parents, I wouldn't be here to be grateful!

My parents....  so very young... before they had children...

As we grow, we rely on our parents..... then as we become independent, we criticize them!  We become so much smarter than they ever were..... and, as we live.... we are humbled.  We learn that they are human, after all... and just as weak as we are....   Because life is like that.  We wake up and see their wisdom along with their faults. 

Because without both, we wouldn't be who we are today.

I am blessed beyond measure to HAVE HAD parents.
I am blessed beyond measure to BE a parent.
And I am blessed beyond measure to be part of my children's BECOMING parents

Part 2....  from today  coming later :-)

What a challenge!  Looking for a picture of something in my life today that makes me grateful for parents.....  additionally charged with NOT taking a random photo of a stranger....

I mean I thought about my parents several times as I walked around Savannah with my husband.  I met my nephew and his wife and two little ones so had the privilege of watching them be parents.... and then I also had the opportunity to counsel several of my children through a disagreement - long distance, of course!  And one of my children actually saved the day by helping separate the warring two.... (adult children are not necessarily easier than young ones!)

But I spotted this statue during the day and it made me think of families torn apart

the anguish

the pain

the immeasurable sorrow

of parents torn from children

by (in this case) slavery



I am grateful for what I am privileged to experience.

Knowing how I feel with physical distance between me and my children, I cannot begin to express my pain for children and parents separated.

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