Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Healthily Ever After....

I'm going to put something out here just because it's what I believe and maybe it will help some of you.  I think we keep looking for a formula to become something specific - like a size 10 or a specific weight - because somewhere in the recesses of our minds..... at that size/weight, we will 'live happily ever after'    I think that is what freaked me out so badly when I got close to that impossible dream and life was NOT easier.  It was actually harder at the time because so many changes had occurred that affected everyone around me.  I think that is why I preach so hard on making small do-able changes until you are ready to make big ones.  Changing your life in an instant is hard - and we can do it... we do it all the time FOR OTHERS AROUND US - we respond to all the crises of home and hearth and some of those are permanent changes - and we take on the responsibility of helping others cope.  And then one day we are sitting here - old - feeling like failures because we don't know how to dream for ourselves.  And we put all those emotions into our FAILURE to get a few pounds off.  But the truth is..... healthy habits create healthy lives.  Eat real food.  Park farther away.  CHOOSE to nourish your body.  CHOOSE to move.  'Happily ever after' doesn't happen at a specific weight any more than it did when we got married.  Strive every day for a little more 'healthily ever after'.... and you will get there.  Love yourself.  Take care of you as well as you take care of others.  It's hard and it feels selfish.... but you can lead the way and teach your kids that taking care of yourself is a GOOD thing.   For me, I am watching my daughters sacrifice themselves for their children.  I hope they can take a lesson from me about health and happiness BEFORE they reach the age of FIFTY....

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