Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jan 6, 2018 Ramblings

Oh man, my ankle hurts this morning!  I guess I overdid it yesterday - though I don't see how.  Except maybe for the little bit of snow shoveling I did.

Breakfast orange, 3pm Oolong, fascia exercises as I went along while trying to increase my steps a little. and I was supposed to clean the living room & kitchen according to my schedule.

So... let's see... the walking.  I really didn't do a lot of snow shoveling - my husband did the bulk of it..... but I got to worrying about him being out there alone on the property so I stayed with him..... I took about 5 minutes to his 10.... and 3 feet to his 20!  But at least I helped a little and didn't have to worry while he was out there alone.   It would probably be smart if we used the buddy system when we don't feel like carrying phones.... which is often!

Anyway - even though I spent way too much time resting it - in my opinion - apparently my ankle does not agree this morning.  So I've wrapped it up and will go on my merry way today - albeit gingerly!

AND... the cleaning/ decluttering.  Not so good!  I took a look at the kitchen and the living room.  The kitchen - well, I do dishes and counters every day so it wasn't so bad... and the living room - well, it got cleaned and decorated for Christmas so it's not so bad either (and the dining room is in between so I added it to the mix in my head).  So I was a bit paralyzed as to what to do.  Sitting here this morning, I realize I need to sweep, mop and/or dust.  No matter what the room looks like I need to do that much.

So - today's room focus is 'clean the bathrooms'.  Yikes - I have 4.... two that are in regular use - 1 not at all.  My personal bathroom gets cleaned each week but could use some declutter love in the closet.  The downstairs bathroom gets used by my child and I'm scared to go in there :-).  Both the sporadically used and unused bathroom could use a sweep and a wipedown.... but I'm not committing to all that!  I will do something - clean something / declutter something.

In the meantime I also - apparently - need to rest this dumb ankle again :-(

The upside is that I can quilt and crochet and watch dvds of NCIS - so the day is not lost.....

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