Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018 Ramblings

It's early morning now - the time I used to always write....  as I anticipated my day.

No work today and I plan to stay home working a bit on decluttering, paperwork and foot resting!  I usually go to an exercise and town today - but am skipping it all and enjoying a bit of a 'home' work day.

Unless I get a chance to speak with my boss today.  We work at different locations and I never see her - I planned to pop in on her tomorrow but they are calling for SNOW!  In which case we will be closed altogether and my plans to speak with her put off another week - which I do not want.

It's a weird sensation, this new year....  usually I start the year with all kind of plans and plotting to improve my life... but not this one.  I coasted through the holiday season - even enjoying parts of it....  there are many changes I want to make - and I do need to chronicle them or I will forget :-)

But I am more and more focused on the daily changes in my life rather than the big achievements.   Maybe the concept of living today the way I wish I wanted to live?

I have a couple of courses I want to take - for fun (a free online literature course - and a self-directed art history course - my kids left the textbooks in my house :-) ....learning is always big for me...

I want exercise to be more a part of my life.  Here in the country there aren't gyms :-)  so I need to regularly visit my basement... I did locate some local classes about 15 min away though that I plan to go to now and again. 

Vegetables!  Need to be more a part of my life - I am moving more and more towards a more plant-based life... though I imagine I will be tweaking my diet forever!  

And that reminds me of weight!  Those pounds are creeping back again... I need daily changes but I may have to take the bull by the horns and specifically target about 20 pounds this year

Decluttering is a big deal - getting rid of stuff, NOT bringing more stuff in AND working on better neatening/cleaning habits.  I don't have a decorator gene so I need to work on that too because I DO enjoy a pretty environment.  This is all very confusing to me - but I will get there.

Financial work will be big this year - staying on top of debt and being a good steward of the money we have is a priority for me

Crafting - I want to get back to more of it!  Last year I injured myself crocheting (who does that?) and decided I wanted to try more types of crafts.  One of the reasons I took my library job was the opportunity to work with children and do more kinds of crafts.  That has absolutely not turned out to be the case - actually I am not to work with the children at all (!)   So I want to do something else.... I am looking at just doing more things on my own or with the grands... or even working with the local 4H kids.  Still mulling over this one!

So - more different things - like I used to do - this time of year I am drawn to bird feeding and related crafts :-)

Quilting.... oh my goodness did I crank out the tops last year!  I wanted a new machine for actual quilting - and I got it for my birthday!  So now I am sitting on the supplies for about 15 quilts (+ or - a few)...  and need to get working on those - especially since I am still piecing quilts :-)
   Specifically though I have a few gift quilts for my kids that I want to finish

And I'm sure there is more - but I'm getting overloaded here - I will see if I can streamline this a little.   Getting better focused and creating a plan might be a good way to spend this day!

How about you?  Any big resolutions this year?

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