Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 6/90

Daily mile done CHECK  (I'm glad I have a dog - she really helps with this!)
Daily dvd done.... Back to Supreme 90 Day for a Cardio challenge dvd.  Did pretty well but re-learned a couple of things.  A) Don't look at the tv screen.. the athletes on there are moving a LOT faster than I can and my best is exactly right.   B) heavy weights for me (right now) is 2 pounds and light weights is NONE  Jumping lunges are not my thing YET

Kind of dizzy when it was done but I am taking it easy now as I re-fuel and finish getting ready to leave!

So that's done and weights packed.... car is just about loaded. I am kind of excited though nervous about this vacay.  It's a time share.. use it or lose it.. and the weather is supposed to be COLD so no family members want to come.  I have planned a personal retreat all for me.... with things I want to accomplish and thinking/planning I want to do... my exercise stuff is coming along - and most of the dvds so I can view the ones I haven't looked at and PURGE the ones I won't use.

Not taking the scale - leaving for the beach at 174 - goal is to come back less..... 

It will be interesting to see how long my husband lasts here at home with the kids without me.... and interesting to see how I handle being alone.....BOTH healthy good things :-)

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