Monday, May 9, 2011

Afraid to Succeed

How much time do you spend thinking or talking about WHY you haven't lost weight..... finished your high school (or college) studies.... gotten your dream job..... run a marathon... WHATEVER you claim your dream is?

How much time do you spend starting over?   Looking for the book or program that will answer all your questions, lay out a plan that will take you to your dream, tell you EXACTLY what to do?   How many DOLLARS have you spent on the perfect supplement, the perfect exercise dvd, the perfect machine that will pare inches and pounds off your body?

Not just weight loss..... how many want ads have you cut out?  How many online applications have you thought about filling out?  How many catalogs have you received from colleges..... that you will apply to ... hmm..... when the time is right..... when the kids grow up... when the economy changes... when the COWS COME HOME!!???

Have you thought about WHY you aren't succeeding?  Even if you move past blaming it on the kids, the spouse, the economy, the president..... I bet you've fallen into the comfort of blaming it on yourself.. (and then you get to go punish yourself - but that's another blog topic :-)

I think the BIGGEST reason we don't succeed.. is NOT the hard work of DOING IT.  I think it's the terribly uncomfortable place of HAVING DONE IT.  Once you succeed, you have to keep going!  If you run a marathon, you have to find another goal or dream..... once you lose weight and get fit, you have to STAY thin and fit... once you get that degree, you have to DO something with it.

There is a comfort in the place where you are right now. 

To move forward and claim your life, you have to let go of your FEAR OF SUCCESS.

As long as you keep your dream from becoming reality.... you know exactly where you stand and what to do. 

And the choice is yours..... the debatable comfort of BEING STUCK ..... or putting your head down and forging ahead anyway.

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