Monday, May 16, 2011

Who's to blame?

My question has to do with a modern attitude.

Everywhere I go, I hear people blaming other people for simply everything.

Democrats blame Republicans, children blame parents, Christians blame Muslims....

Finger pointing with NO facts.  "Because I said so" is not a fact.

NO ONE I know is responsible.

Actually, MOST of the people I know are responsible people.... but it seems to be a prevailing attitude that it is OKAY to blame the other guy for things that we don't understand.

Complicated situations like the national budget or differing customs or global warming.

Situations where there is clearly NO one cause NOR simple solution.

It also seems okay to add harmful motive to the blame.

They did it.... THEY hate us.... THEY want to ruin my life and take my children and my money.

And, then it's okay to grab that attitude and run with it... and be paranoid about other people.

I don't understand.  When did we get so frightened?

Why do we run at shadows and not INSIST on facts before we convict people in the court of public opinion?

This attitude is all around me.. like pollen!  Are we breathing it in?

It's enough to make me turn off my computer....

ALMOST :-)  

I would turn it off but I can't.... it's not my fault though - it's my cat's fault...

she hates me and is so selfish... she likes the screensaver.

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