Friday, March 25, 2011

Too Busy to Exercise?

Yeah - me too!

Where on earth am I supposed to get an extra hour per day?  Half hour?  No way!!

So how can I possibly get regular exercise?

1.   LITTLE things add up!
         How can you add a little movement into your day?  You've read it a million times - so go do it!  Park a little farther away than usual... take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators...

       Add some strength exercises to your normal activities.  Do calf raises while you fold the laundry... bicep curls while you are on the phone.... march in place while you do the dishes.

3.  Take a WALK!
          Make it a habit to go outside in this beautiful weather and take a short's good for your body AND for your spirit.

4.  Make it a GAME!
      Every time you go in the kitchen, do 10 push-ups off the kitchen counter.   Every time you plan to sit down..... sit almost all the way and then stand back up (this is a squat!)

5.  Do ONE MINUTE bursts of cardio!
              Time yourself and do one minute of jumping jacks or high knee lifts or run in place.  Too much trouble to time yourself?  Time yourself ONE time... and COUNT how many exercises you can do in a minute... then just count them when you do them.

6.  PLAN it!
           Make a commitment to yourself to do a certain number of specific exercises each day.  You are more likely to get it done if you are already planning on it.

7. TAKE a class!
          Take advantage of exercise classes in your community.  There are always a lot of opportunities to learn to swim, dance, hike, canoe, play tennis or other active pursuits.  Try one!  When you have paid for it, it is easier to make yourself go.

8.  MEET a friend or family member.
         Find someone who will walk or workout with you.  This is a GREAT one - fellowship, fun and encouragement for BOTH of you!  Usually we don't want to let other people down (even if we have NO problem letting ourselves down!)

 These are just a few ideas to get a little more movement into your already TOO BUSY schedule.  

Bottom line though, friends..... no exercise = poor health.   Is you are too busy to exercise, you will have to make time to be SICK!   Every bit of exercise prevention you can ADD to your life will reduce the amount of time you are ill.

Leave a comment and let me hear YOUR ideas!

Thanks for reading :-)

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