Monday, March 14, 2011

Priority Number ONE

Do you ever get to those times when everything starts stacking up?

It seems like I have been running, running, running.... but am getting further and further behind.  My weekend was fun but very full... so not much accomplished there.

I am looking at a house that needs my attention.... a desk full of business work... an exercise schedule that has been neglected since I got back from vacation (including a couple of dance classes where I just can't seem to get the steps :-(... I've been eating too much junk (where IS it coming from?  Did I buy that?)... and then the extras that are on my resolution list.... BOO!

Can you tell that my attitude also needs a little improvement?

Soooo... what to do, what to do....  how to get a handle on my life again!

1.  Find some quiet space.... carve out a few minutes.... get up early (which works for me)... or snag a few minutes break from work... or lock yourself in the bathroom....  just a few minutes...

2.  BREATHE!  You are in control of that hectic overrun feeling!

3.  LIST... the act of writing down the things you have to do helps you to sort them out in your head.  The list will help you remember what they are and help ease the strain on your brain :-)

4.  TRIAGE...  some of those items need to be faced and taken care of right away on the pain of dire circumstances....  uhhhh some of my business paperwork MUST be done today....

          Some items can wait...... the dry cleaning will not go anywhere if it waits one more day to be picked up...... the same with cleaning the porch (the beautiful weather is making it more of a priority but it can wait too if necessary).  Schedule these things in on other days this week.   (If there are items that LIVE on your WAIT list..... make a decision about whether or not they EVER need to be done... why are they on your list if you never DO them?)

         Some items take little time and will make the whole list seem shorter....  a quick sort of paperwork, getting needed supplies together, starting a load of laundry, getting the dishes done.. and running through the main living areas with a vacuum.  Hit the major points on a busy day!

5.  DON'T FORGET about taking care of YOU!
         Last on the list...... and often not even GETTING ON the list... is food, rest and exercise!  Eat your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.... eat protein with all your meals... avoid chemicals, refined sugars and flours.... and get your 30 minutes of exercise every day.   Seriously.... we tend to BUZZ around taking care of everything except OURSELVES.

     So maybe, just maybe... the food and exercise should be FIRST on the list.  If you really want to conquer your LIST and stay in the game.... taking care of you needs to be the first priority :-)


  1. Ok - Have you been peeking in my widow today?
    Daylight 'savings' time is also messing with me compounding everything today. But - I AM chipping away at laudry, to-do list and yes have even been on track with eating and exercise ( so far) today.

    Thanks for the reminders! ♥
